This website is the property of Surfilm Packaging.
Surfilm Packaging
ZI de l’Orignade
17600 Médis
Paprika Marketing – Marketing & digital consulting. – 17000 La Rochelle
Agence AND – Digital agency Bordeaux – 33000 Bordeaux
Surfilm Packaging
The website is hosted by :
2 rue Kellermann
The presentation and reproduction of each of the elements, including the brands and logos appearing on the site are protected by the applicable intellectual property laws.
No material from the website may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, distorted or distributed in any way whatsoever, in any medium whatsoever, even partially or in full, without the prior authorization of the director, with the exception of strict use for the needs of the press and subject to respect for intellectual property rights and any other property rights mentioned.
Any total or partial representation of the website, by any means whatsoever without the express authorization of the company Surfilm Packaging is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the intellectual property code. Surfilm Packaging reserves the right to prosecute any act of counterfeiting of its intellectual property rights.
The pages of this website may contain links or references to other sites.
Surfilm Packaging shall not be held responsible for the content of these other sites and cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of the content of these sites. Links to other sites are provided solely as a convenience to the user of this website.
Surfilm Packaging shall not be held responsible for any damage whatsoever caused by a connection to its site. It is the sole responsibility of the user to take responsibility for the protection of his or her data and equipment against, in particular, contamination by computer viruses, intrusion attempts, loss, deterioration or alteration of files due to an Internet connection to the present site.
Surfilm Packaging undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of your data carried out from the website complies with the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés).
You have rights to access your data, to ask for correction in case of error, to ask for their deletion, to ask for the limitation of their processing, to ask for their portability, to oppose their processing, to define directives concerning their fate after your death. To find out more about your rights, visit the CNIL website..
You may exercise your rights by contacting:
Surfilm Packaging
ZI de l’Orignade
17600 Médis
05 46 05 80 44
In general, you will not be required to provide us with your personal data when you visit our website
However, for certain services offered by our website, you may have to communicate certain data to us such as: your name, the name of your company, your town, your e-mail address, your telephone number…
This is the case when you fill out a sample request form, contact form, subscribe to the newsletter. At any time, you can refuse to provide this personal data. In this case, you will not be able to use the site services mentioned above.
Finally, we may automatically collect certain information about you when you browse our website.